

“Giving Tuesday” (November 29, 2016) is a day that encourages our community to give back to those in need. Our goal for this Giving Tuesday is to raise the funds needed to provide a new nightgown or pair of pajamas for nursing home residents in our area who have no family/friends. It costs $11.00-$13.00 to provide this soft, warm, item of comfort to one resident, so our goal is to raise $8,750 on this day of giving so that we may purchase these items in sizes needed.

Our mission of Bringing Joy, Companionship, and enhanced Quality of Life to Nursing Home Residents is more needed than ever. It is critical that we bridge the loneliness gap and encourage and support nursing home residents, as they have contributed to our communities for a lifetime.

We are asking that you consider giving today to Project Compassion on this “Giving Tuesday”.

Click the DONATE button on the right to make a donation!